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第一条 为了进一步加强党风廉政建设,明确各级政府和政府职能部门领导班子和领导干部的党风廉政建设责任,根据中央和省、市实行党风廉政建设责任制的有关规定,制定本办法。
第二条 实施党风廉政建设责任制,要坚持以邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想和科学发展观为指导,坚持党委统一领导、党政齐抓共管、纪委组织协调、部门各负其责、群众参与支持的领导机制和工作机制。
第三条 市、县区人民政府和政府职能部门领导班子对本辖区、本部门的党风廉政建设负全面领导责任。领导班子的正职对系统内的党风廉政建设负总责,对同级领导班子及其成员的党风廉政建设负主要领导责任;副职按工作分工,对分管部门、单位、系统、行业的领导班子及其成员的党风廉政建设负直接领导责任。
第四条 市、县区人民政府和政府职能部门领导班子的责任:
第五条 市、县区人民政府和政府职能部门领导班子正职主要领导责任:
第六条 市、县区人民政府和政府职能部门领导班子副职根据工作分工负直接领导责任:
第七条 市、县区纪检监察机关(包括派驻机构)在上级纪检监察机关和同级党委、政府的领导下,负责本地区、本部门党风廉政建设的组织协调、督促检查和指导工作,协助党委、政府抓好党风廉政建设。
第八条 成立由党委(党组)书记任组长,行政正职、纪委书记(纪检组长)任副组长,纪检、监察、组织、人事、法制、统计、审计等部门参加的考核领导小组,组织领导党风廉政建设考核工作。
第九条 考核工作要与领导班子考核、领导干部考核和工作目标考核等结合起来,每年年终考核一次,必要时可组织专门考核。
第十条 对领导班子和领导干部落实党风廉政建设责任制的情况,每年进行一次民主测评。
第十一条 各县区、各政府部门应将落实党风廉政建设责任制的情况列入年度总结或工作报告,在次年一月前报上级政府和同级党委、纪委;领导干部执行党风廉政建设责任制的情况,列为民主生活会和述职报告的重要内容陈述,接受干部群众监督。
第十二条 领导干部执行党风廉政建设责任制情况的考核结果由纪检监察机关登记备案,装入廉政档案,作为对领导干部业绩评定、奖励惩处、选拔任用的重要依据。
第十三条 领导班子、领导干部和监察机关不认真履行本办法第四条、第七条规定的,视其情节,责令写出检查,通报批评;问题严重的,责令负直接领导责任者辞职。
第十四条 领导干部不履行本办法第五条、第六条规定的,依据有关规定,给予组织处理和纪律处分。其他违反本办法行为、情节较重的,给予相应的组织处理或党纪处分。
第十五条 实施责任追究必须坚持实事求是的原则,分清集体责任与个人责任,主要领导责任和分管领导责任,直接责任和间接责任。
第十六条 责任追究中的组织处理,由组织、人事部门负责;纪检监察机关可向党委(党组)、政府及职能部门提出建议,由主管机关、任免机关按照干部管理权限和程序处理;党纪、政纪处分,由纪检监察机关按有关规定处理;追究责任后,需进行离任审计的,由组织、审计部门按有关规定组织实施。
第十七条 本办法自公布之日起执行。

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× ------------------

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( 年度)
纳税人名称: 经济性质:
营业地址: 电 话: 金额单位:万元
| | | | |工商统一税| |
| 主要货物或 |销售额|增 值 税|消 费 税|-----| 应 退 税 款 |
|应税劳务名称| |实纳税款|实纳税款|税率|税款| |
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |5 |6 |7=3+4-6|
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| 合 计 | | | | | | |
|主管涉外税务| |备 | |
|机关审核意见| |注 | |
企业负责人: 财务负责人: 年 月 日填



(State Administration of Taxation: 21 April 1994 Coded Guo Shui Fa[1994] No. 115)

Whole Doc.

To the tax bureau of various provinces, autonomous regions and
municipalities, the tax bureaus of various cities with independent
planning and various sub-bureaus of the Offshore Oil Tax Administration:
In the spirit of the State Council Circular On Questions Related to
the Provisional Regulations Concerning the Levy of Applicable Value-Added
Tax, Consumption Tax and Business Tax on Foreign-Funded Enterprises and
Foreign Enterprises, questions concerning refunding the extra tax paid by
foreign-funded enterprises after the change-over to the levy of
value-added tax and consumption tax are hereby clarified in detail as
I. The extra tax paid by foreign-funded enterprises due to
change-over to the levy of value-added tax and consumption tax refers to
the actual tax payment calculated in accordance with the Provisional
Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Value- Added Tax, the
Provisional Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Consumption
Tax and related stipulations for the goods sold, product processing and
labor services provided such as repair, production, and processing taxable
consumer goods on a commission basis by foreign-funded enterprises, that
surpasses the part of payable tax calculated in accordance with the
original Regulations of the People's Republic of China On Consolidated
Industrial and Commercial Tax (Draft), Regulations On Questions Concerning
the Levy of Special Consumption Tax on Sedan Cars issued by the State
Administration of Taxation as well as related stipulations, The
calculation formula is given as follows:

Current extra tax payment
= current actual payment of value - added tax +
current actual payment of consumption tax -
consolidated industrial and commercial tax payment -
special consumer tax payment

The consolidated industrial and commercial tax payment refers to the
tax payment (including local surcharge) worked out in accordance with the
table of tax items and tax rates of consolidated industrial and commercial
tax attached to the Circular On Questions Concerning Implementing the
Document Coded Guo Shui Han Fa [1993] No. 152, a document of the Foreign
Tax Management Department of the State Administration of Taxation coded
Coded Guo Shui Wai Han [1994] No. 009, which is calculated on the basis of
the combined total of the sales volume of the current year and tax on the
sale item. For foreign-funded enterprises engaged in wholesale and retail
sale business, consolidated industrial and commercial tax payment on their
business income is all calculated at a 3 percent rate.
The special consumption tax payment refers to the tax payment worked
out in accordance with the quantity of current taxable products and the
tax items, tax value and calculation methods as listed in the Regulations
on Questions Concerning the Levy of Special Consumption Tax on Sedan Cars,
a document of the State Administration of Taxation, coded (89) Guo Shui
Liu Zi No. 112.

II. For the overly paid tax by the foreign-funded enterprise which
pays both value-added tax and consumption tax, the tax reimbursement for
the value-added tax and consumption tax shall be calculated in accordance
with the proportion of the current value- added tax and consumption tax
actually paid in the total value of the current value-added tax and
consumption actually paid. The calculation formula is given as follows:

Refundable VAT = Current extra tax payment X

Current actual VAT payment
Total value of current actual VAT & consumption tax payment

Refundable consumption tax = current extra tax payment X

current actual payment of consumption tax
Total value of current actual VAT & consumption tax payment

III. "The foreign-funded enterprises approved to be established
before December 31, 1993" as mentioned in the Circular On Questions
Involved in the Provisional Regulations of the State Council Concerning
the Levy of Applicable Value-Added Tax, Consumption Tax and Business Tax
on Foreign-Funded Enterprises and Foreign Enterprises refer to
foreign-funded enterprises which had performed industrial and commercial
registration procedures before December 31, 1993: "The approved
operational period" refers to the operational period approved by the
industrial and commercial administrative department, excluding the period
extended after January 1, 1994; "The five years" refers to the period from
January 1, 1994; "The five years" refers to the period from January 1,
1994 to December 31, 1998.
IV. That part of value-added tax and consumption tax paid for the
imported goods of foreign-funded enterprises that exceed the payable tax
for imports calculated in accordance with relevant stipulations of the
original Regulations Concerning Consolidated Industrial and Commercial Tax
shall not be refunded in principle. However, for the extra tax paid by
individual foreign-funded enterprises for the raw and semi-finished
materials and spare parts and components needed in production but the
supply of which cannot be guaranteed on the domestic market and imported
for the production of products which are urgently needed at home or the
development of which is encouraged by the state, may be dealt with as an
individual case with approval from the State Administration of Taxation.
The formula for calculating consolidated industrial and commercial tax on
imports is given as follows:

Consolidated industrial & commercial tax on imports =

Duty - paid value + tariff
-------------------------------- x
industrial & commercial tax rate

Consolidated industrial & commercial tax rate

V. For the goods produced by foreign-funded enterprise and sold to an
export-oriented enterprise for export, the extra tax payment resulting
from increased tax burden shall not be refunded.
VI. A foreign-funded enterprise shall, within 30 days after the end
of the Year, send a written application report to the competent
foreign-related tax authorities, fill in the Application Form for Tax
Reimbursement Due to Increased VAT and Consumption Tax Burden (attached at
the back), at the same time it shall send a copy of the VAT and
consumption tax paid certificate, after the application has been examined
and verified by the competent foreign-related tax authorities and approved
by the authorized tax authorities, the enterprise shall perform the
procedures for tax reimbursement.

VII. The annual tax reimbursement amount of a foreign-funded
enterprise that exceeds 1 million Yuan (including 1 million Yuan) shall be
examined and approved by the State Administration of Taxation; an annual
tax reimbursement amount that is below 1 million Yuan shall be examined
and approved by the provincial-level sub-bureau and sub-bureau of cities
with independent planning under the State Administration of Taxation.
The various provincial sub-bureaus and sub-bureaus of cities with
independent planning shall, within 60 days after the end of the year,
submit a report on the information about tax reimbursement of the previous
year to the State Administration of Taxation.
VIII. The refunding of extra tax payment shall be handled lump sum in
principle after the end of the year. If the annual tax reimbursement
amount is large, it may be refunded on a quarterly basis and settlement
made at year-end with approval from the provincial-level sub-bureau or
sub-bureau of cities with independent planning. For individual enterprises
which really have difficulty in turnover of funds, with approval from the
State Administration of Taxation, tax can be refunded in advance on a
monthly basis and settlement be made at year end.
IX. A foreign-funded enterprise shall accurately declare the amount
of tax reimbursement, if more tax payment than required resulting from
inaccurate report or the adoption of illegitimate means is discovered, the
matter shall be handled in accordance with the related stipulations of the
Measures of the People's Republic of China for the Collection and
Management of Tax.
Appendices: I. The Application Form of Tax Reimbursement Due to
Increased Value-Added Tax and Consumption Tax Burden
II. Stipulations On Questions Concerning the Levy of Special
Consumption Tax on Sedan Cars Law-5

Appendix I:

Application Form of Tax Reimbursement Due to Increased
Value-Added Tax and Consumption Tax Burdens
Registration Number of Tax Payer:
Name of Tax Payer: Economic Nature:
Business Address: Tel: Unit of Money: 10000 Yuan
Name of Sale Actual Actual Consolidated Refund-able
major volume VAT consumption industrial & tax amount
goods or tax tax commercial
taxable payment payment tax
labor ----------
service Tax Tax
rate payment
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 = 3 + 4 - 6
Opinions based on examination & verification
by competent foreign-related Remarks
tax authorities
Responsible leader Responsible leader Filled on xx day,
of enterprise: of finance: month year
I. This written application report shall be submitted to each upper
II. Foreign-funded enterprises engaged in the production of sedan
cars shall add a "Special Consumption Tax" Column after the "Consolidated
Industrial & Commercial Tax" Column of this application form, its contents
include "tax items" and "tax payment."

Appendix II:

Regulations On Questions Concerning the Levy of Special Consumption
Tax on Sedan Cars
April 1, 1989 Coded (89) Guo Shui Liu Zi No. 112
To the people's government of various provinces, autonomous regions
and municipalities, to various ministries and commissions and affiliated
institutions directly under the State Council:
In accordance with the State Council decision on strengthening the
management of sales of sedan cars and the levy of special consumption tax,
and having been examined and agreed by the Ministry of Finance and
reported to the State Council for approval, the Circular concerning the
levy of special consumption tax on sedan cars is hereby issued as follows:
I. A unit and individual who engage in the production and import of
sedan cars within the territory of the People's Republic of China are the
tax payers of special consumption tax (hereinafter referred to as tax
payers) who shall pay special consumption tax in accordance with these
II. Items and amounts of special consumption tax on sedan cars:
(1) Sedan cars
1. Imported whole cars, of which Volga imported from the
former Soviet Union and East European Region is taxed 15000 yuan
each, Lada 10000 yuan each, Fiat 126P 5000 yuan each, other cars 7000 yuan
each; cars imported from regions outside the former Soviet Union and
Eastern Europe are taxed 40000 yuan each.
2. Cars assembled with imported parts, of which: Charad of Tianjin is
taxed 10000 yuan each; other cars 20000 yuan each.
3. Domestically produced cars are taxed 10000 yuan each.
(2) Jeeps (including trans-shaped cars)
1. Imported whole cars, of which the Lada 2121, Aro 244
imported from the former Soviet Union and the region of Eastern
Europe are taxed 5000 yuan each, other imported cars 35000 yuan each.
2. Cars assembled with imported parts are taxed 15000 yuan each.
3. China-made cars 5000 yuan each
(3) Coaches (including tool cars)
1. Imported whole cars are taxed 30000 yuan each.
2. Cars assembled with imported parts are taxed 10000 yuan each.
3. China-made cars are taxed 5000 yuan each (the levy of tax is
postponed for the time being this year)
Readjustment of tax items and tax amount is determined by the State
III. The formula for the calculation of the payable amount of special
consumption tax:

Payable tax amount = unit tax amount x the amount of taxable products

IV. Tax-paying link of special consumption tax on sedan cars: For
taxable sedan cars produced within China, tax is paid by the producer at
the time of selling; for cars processed on a commission basis by the
productive enterprise, tax is paid by the assignee at the time of
delivery; for cars produced by the productive enterprise for its own use,
tax shall be paid by the producer at the time of commissioning of the car.
For imported taxable sedan cars, tax shall be paid by the import
declarant at the time of customs entry.
V. The special consumption tax on the sedan cars produced and sold by
the tax payer shall be collected by the tax payer from the purchaser, with
the selling price excluded; the special consumption tax on the sedan cars
processed by the tax payer on a commission basis shall be collected by the
tax payer from the consignor, with the processing charges excluded. The
tax payer shall accurately indicate on the invoice the special consumption
tax he collects on sedan cars and pay it to the tax authorities.
The special consumption tax on the sedan cars produced by the tax
payer for his own use shall be paid by the tax payer to the tax
The special consumption tax on the sedan cars imported by the tax
payer shall be paid by the tax payer to the tax-levying agency. The
special consumption tax thus paid shall be collected from the purchaser,
with the sedan car import price excluded, and shall be accurately
indicated in the invoice.
VI. Reduction and exemption of special consumption tax on sedan cars:
(1) Taxable sedan cars for export are exempt from special consumption
tax. The principle of "levying first and refunding later" is introduced
for tax exemption. The tax already levied shall be refunded after the
exporter has declared export. Related procedures for tax reimbursement
shall be performed in light of the stipulations concerning the refunding
of product tax (value-added tax) for the export products.
(2) Diplomatic agencies and diplomats who enjoy diplomatic privileges
and diplomatic immunities are exempt from especial consumption tax on
sedan cars.
(3) Other tax-free items determined by the State Administration of
Except for the above-mentioned stipulations, special consumption tax
on sedan cars shall, without exception, not be reduced and exempted.
VII. The special consumption tax on sedan cars shall be collected by
tax authorities, related matters concerning the collection and management
shall be handled in accordance with the Provisional Regulations of the
People's Republic of China Concerning the Collection and Management of
The special consumption tax on imported sedan cars shall be collected
by the customs on a commission basis.
VIII. The special consumption tax levied on sedan cars shall be
turned over to the central financial department.
IX. These Regulations goes into effect on February 1, 1989, if other
documents contradict these Regulations, these Regulations shall be acted





(2004年6月4日甘肃省第十届人民代表大会常务委员会第十次会议通过 自公布之日起施行)




